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Secure Monero Wallet

Send and receive Monero (XMR) securely using

About Monero (XMR)

Monero is the ideal option for investors who value privacy. Transactions are untraceable and the identities of the senders and receivers remain private. Read more about Monero (XMR) and cryptocurrencies on our blog.


XMRWallet is an open-source, free monero wallet.

Which allows you to send and receive Monero instantly on the blockchain. All while remaining in complete control of your coins & your keys.

Create XMR Wallet

Know more about the history of Monero (XMR) on our blog.

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Security of Monero

Monero is a secure digital cash which is operated by a user's network. Monero is also a decentralized cryptocurrency. All transactions are confirmed by distributed consensus and all transactions then recorded to the blockchain immutably. You need not to trust any third-parties to keep your Monero safe.

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Monero is untraceable

Monero obfuscates all receiving and sending addresses and all transacted amounts as well, no one can link the Monero blockchain to a particular user or make a real-world identity match.

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Privacy of Monero

To obfuscate the destinations origins and amounts of all transactions Monero uses stealth address, ring confidential transactions and ring signature. All the benefits of a decentralized cryptocurrency are provided by Monero with no typical privacy concessions.

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Changeable Monero

Monero is changeable because it is private by default. Vendors cant blacklist Monero users from exchanging it due to the association with previous transactions.

" is super-simple to use!"


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When you generate a new wallet, login, send or receive Monero, everything happens locally in your browser.

Your seed is never transmitted, received or stored. That's why its imperative to write, print or save your seed somewhere safe. If you lose your seed, your account cannot be recovered.

Read this article on how to get monero (XMR).

Create a new wallet or login with:
original seed icon

Your original seed

paper wallet seed icon

Your paper wallet seed

seed icon

Your 13 word seed

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Your 25 word seed

New accounts instantly synced. Import seed sync approx. 25 minutes
Any Questions?


A Monero wallet is a digital wallet for storing Monero, a privacy-centric digital currency. Unlike a real-life wallet, your XMR coins are not kept in a Monero wallet. Your coins are in the Monero blockchain and it is the keys that are stored in the wallet. The keys in your Monero wallet enable you to access your coins and make transactions such as sending and receiving XMR.
People use Monero for different purposes. They may use XMR as a mode of payment or as an investment tool. Monero and other cryptocurrency wallets make it easier for users to access their coins. An XMR wallet helps you monitor how much Monero you have, send and receive XMR, connect to decentralized apps (dApps), receive earnings from mining, and store XMR securely.
There are inherent risks in using hot Monero wallets or wallets connected to the internet. Security experts recommend storing the bulk of your XMR in cold wallets like a paper or hardware wallet. Just leave enough XMR in your hot wallet for your transaction needs.
While there are a lot of Monero wallets out there, it is crucial to choose a wallet compatible with Monero and one with an outstanding reputation for security and privacy. is an excellent option for an easy-to-use, fully secure web-based wallet.
Some wallet providers charge fees for certain features, but there are many free and low-cost alternatives. is one of the free Monero wallets available in the market today.
You cannot send Monero without a wallet. Even if you use cryptocurrency exchanges to send and receive Monero, your coins are stored in a wallet within the exchange. Exchange wallets are custodial, where the exchange serves as guardians of the keys to your coins. It is best to have a non-custodial XMR wallet so that only you have control of your keys and coins.
Developers designed Monero to ensure transactions are confidential and untraceable and users are anonymous by default. That said, Monero wallets that use closed-source hardware and software and those that need an internet connection have privacy risks. It is up to you to employ measures to protect your anonymity.
The best Monero wallet for you will depend on your needs and how you intend to use your XMR. Think of it like this: you would not carry all your money in a big heavy safe to buy a candy bar. But you also would not keep all your money in a tiny wallet that you might lose easily. Choose a wallet that matches how much XMR you have and how you plan to use it, and treat it like it is worth even more than it is.
Yes, is fully functional on mobile devices.
You may lose your XMR if you do not have a backup of your private keys, passwords, seed phrases, or mnemonic seeds that allow you to access your Monero wallet. Some wallets provide seed or recovery phrases that will help you recover your funds. Once you create an XMR wallet, it is very important to write or print your private keys, passwords, and mnemonic or seed phrases. Security professionals recommend having multiple copies hidden in different locations, so you still have another copy if you lose one. You can restore your Monero wallet using the backup of your mnemonic seed or keys.
Monero wallet providers have made it easier for users to complete transactions. Simply click on the SEND or RECEIVE tabs at the interface. To send, type in the amount and click send. To receive, provide the payor with your public address, subaddress, or QR code. You can check within your wallet's interface if the payor sent XMR.
XMR senders pay transaction fees that range from $0.0010 to $0.9682. Network congestion and the data size of your transaction, including the number of recipients and coins being spent, determine the fee.
Most Monero wallets only work with Monero, but some wallets support multiple types of cryptocurrencies. Users can hold Monero and other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, in the same wallet.
If you are using web, hardware, or third-party Monero wallets, your service providers will handle any updates. Users running a full node in their GUI or CLI wallets need to update their software to the newest version from the official download location or GitHub. is a free web-based lightweight wallet, enabling you to send and receive Monero without having to download any software. It is open-source, which means anyone can see the code and help make it better. Plus, you do not need to register or give any of your personal information to use it. does not keep any records of your transactions. You can use it without worrying about anyone seeing what you are doing with your money.

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